While membership is not required to reserve a court, or to attend beginner PB lessons, most of the best stuff is for members only.  This includes Paddles Up play every morning, Round Robins, player development opportunities and various social events. 

All members must be LW residents or guests staying with a LW resident.
Annual Memberships  cost  $50/year (use of guest passes are currently under board review).

We are transitioning to a new system (Please be patient!)

EXISTING MEMBERS: Login instructions, with a temporary password have been sent to all existing members. Make sure to choose ‘Login’ - do not choose signup! You are already signed up.

Members - log in to TrackIt Hub

PLEASE CONTACT MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE THOSE EMAILS (after you’ve ruled out that it didn’t go to spam) at

Your membership will expire 1 year from the date you last purchased it (but no earlier than March 25, 2024). You will receive a renewal notice just before the expiry date.

NEW MEMBERS: The link to signup on Trackit Hub and join LW Pickleball Club is below.
Select “Join” to be taken through the steps to set up an account as a new user, and to make your payment online.


The MEMBERSHIP group is the only one you should sign up for at this point. Once membership is confirmed, you will receive instructions for receiving your badge and signing up for group events (e.g. Round Robins) in Trackit Hub.


Questions? Contact our Membership Director (Rhonda Steubs) at