Our Mission: EMPOWER

The mission of LW Pickleball Club is to promote the development and growth of Pickleball; to encourage and empower players of all skill levels to meet each other and to appreciate, respect and enjoy each other’s skills and efforts.

To accomplish this mission, we intend to:

  1. Promote and teach the game of pickleball to individuals of all ages. 

  2. Encourage sportsmanship and camaraderie through fun and exercise.

  3. Offer competitive and social pickleball activities for all playing levels.

  4. Provide opportunities for skill development.

  5. Foster and support community improvement, growth and interaction.

  6. Encourage individual membership in the USA Pickleball Association and promote the community of Leisure World.

Leisure World has sixteen lighted Pickleball Courts. They are owned by Leisure World and available to all residents.

How We Play

In agreement with our community administration and board, specific court times are blocked off for members only play. These include early morning hours (8-noon), skill level round robins, drills and skills to improve play, mentoring, men’s/ladies’ play, an annual in-house tournament and social events ranging from snacks at meetings to potluck gatherings, casual dinner dance and events that emerge based on member input.

Non members can sign up for court time using the reservation system available on this site.

Player Development

Player development will include various growth initiatives that can help players break through to levels they strive to achieve.  While it is important to attract increasing numbers of people of all ages to our sport, it is equally vital to guarantee a structure which ensures a balance between competitive and non competitive play.  Our player pathway opportunities will operate at both competitive and non competitive with continuous improvements and changes to meet the needs of our club. 

Club Officers